
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Today was our art and aesthetic visit.We went to Guru Gopinath Nadana Gramamam ,Vattiyoorkavu.We reached there around 10.00 am.Maya teacher,Joju sir and Ancy teacher along with us.  Dr.Sajeev nair, a dear disciple of Guru Gopinath, gave a very detailed class in Guru Gopinath and his greatest contribution, Kerala natanam.It was verr interesting. After that we observed the whole museum.They also screened a documentary about Theyyam in 5D theatre.

School induction Day 5

This is the fifth day of our school induction programme. Today I got an opportunity to observe mathematics class in 10th standard by Shinelal sir. Sir gave the children some problems on the chapter Polynomials to do.He checked the notes of a few students randomly. Senior teacher gave us the duty to manage 9A class for second period.We gave the children some problems on the topic Polynomials. Today, we got an opportunity to serve food for students.We became the part of it,it was another mesmerizing experience.Then interacted with Kamalamma, who prepare lunch . After all interactions, our group discussed and planned about the induction report.We all thanked for teachers support and guidance that we got during those five day induction programme.We took photos with the headmistress and other teachers. After marking our attendance,our group leader received attendance register from headmistress.

School induction Day 4

 Today was fourth day of our school induction programme.Today classes started with full strength after COVID pandemic.I got an opportunity to observe mathematics class in 9th standard,by Liji teacher.She discussed about Circle and Polygons. Today was international Mother Language Day.  As the part of this day, we took the language pledge at penned by M.T Vasudevan Nair .  ' เดฎเดฒเดฏാเดณเดฎാเดฃ് เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดญാเดท.  เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดญാเดท เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดตീเดŸാเดฃ്. เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เด†เด•ാเดถเดฎാเดฃ്. เดžാเตป  เด•ാเดฃുเดจ്เดจ เดจเด•്เดทเดค്เดฐเดฎാเดฃ്. เดŽเดจ്เดจെ เดคเดดുเด•ുเดจ്เดจ เด•ാเดฑ്เดฑാเดฃ്. เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดฆാเดนം เดถเดฎിเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เด•ുเดณിเตผ เดตെเดณ്เดณเดฎാเดฃ്. เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เด…เดฎ്เดฎเดฏുเดŸെ เดคเดฒോเดŸเดฒും เดถാเดธเดจเดฏുเดฎാเดฃ്. เดเดคു เดจാเดŸ്เดŸിเดฒെเดค്เดคിเดฏാเดฒും เดžാเตป เดธ്เดตเดช്เดจം เด•ാเดฃുเดจ്เดจเดค് เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดญാเดทเดฏിเดฒാเดฃ്. เดŽเดจ്เดฑെ เดญാเดท เดžാเตป เดคเดจ്เดจെเดฏാเดฃ്.' The theme of the International Mother Language Day 2022, " Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenge s and opportunities". We had the opportunity to serve food for students.I was very happy.Lunch is provided by the school for around 400 students. After noon senior teacher gave us the duty to engage 8C ...

School induction Day 3

  Today was the third day of our school induction programme.We reached the school around 9.20 am.Classes started with prayer and pledge.We marked our attendance.Then we were divided into subgroups in order to record the details of infrastructure facilities of the school.we get an opportunity to attend the class for weak students.I got an opportunity to interact with the students of 9th class.We left the school after marking our attendance.Today was another unforgettable day in my life.

School induction Day 2

  Today was second day of induction programme.I reached the school at 9.20 am.Then marked attendance in the headmistress chamber.This day appeared to be short and tiring. Since thre were enough task to be done. Since there were COVID vaccination camp going on .the headmaster thought our help. We participated heartedly until the work was finished.


 Today was the first day of our school induction programme.we the group of 14 students from various optionals reached the school around 9.15 am.we met the headmistress Sreeja teacher.After small interaction we marked our attendance. At 9.30 am classes started with prayer and pledge.we (me and Ponnu)managed 8C class for a period.It was unforgettable!We discussed about negative numbers and  gave  workout problems. Later hours we spend for exploring surroundings, facilities.It is a government school located in nearly a village environment. Still progressing, moulding school.But the students are highly talented and potential. Classes ended with national anthem at 3.30 pm.we left the school after marking our attendance.