First Day of Teaching Practice

 Our teaching practice was started today. I have allotted St. Goretti H. S. S for teaching practice. We reached there at 9 am. Anulekshmi from Physical science is our leader and Emi from Social science is our assistant leader. After prayer, we met the Head Master Sr. Acqina at the office. She gave us the instructions to be followed there. Also duties allotted to us. After signing our attendance , we met our respective optional teachers.

I met Sonia teacher. She allowed me to enter the class and interact with the students.I had 4 th period in 9 B. Since they already studied the first subunit Diameter and perimeter of the chapter Circle measures I started the new sub unit area. First I gave motivation to them.Next I divided them into 6 group.Also gave name as Diameter, Perimeter,Radius, Centre, Circle,Area.

To check previous knowledge I gave activity card. All students participated actively. Next I presented the concept of area of a circle with the help of 2 models.


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